[6] Part of Fortune conjunct Antares: When another persons planets or points conjunct or oppose your POF, they will likely help you increase your wealth and happiness, and achieve your goals. Alternatively, we can look to the triplicity rulers of; 1) sect light triplicity ruler; 2) triplicity rulers of the two Lots. In that case, we are already heading in the right direction. It is very hard to say anything other than the basics without seeing it within the context of your natal chart. In traditional astrology, the part of fortune is calculated by the intersecting lines of our top three placements in the birth chart: the sun, moon, and rising sign. Your Sun is approximately 153 degrees away from your Moon, in order for your LoF to be in the 7th house the Moon would have to be over 180 degrees apart from your Sun so it cannot physically be in your 7th house until after a full Moon. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. Through the fourth house, you are aware of the needs of others. If your part of fortune is in Capricorn, then what brings you the most success is asserting yourself into a leadership position. To set up a Fortuna chart first one has to find the LoF ascendant, this is the degree of what people commonly refer to as the part of fortune. Your LoS is at 5Lib30 and its ruler Venus is in a much better condition, as well as being a natural benefic. WebThe Part of Fortune is computed in the following manner: Day Births: Fortune = Ascendant + Moon - Sun Night Births: Fortune = Ascendant + Sun - Moon These formulae should be interpreted as in this way: compute the longitudes of the Ascendant, Moon and Sun as measured from 0 degrees of Aries. This is a person who has mediumistic talents and the gift of prophecy. People with the Part of Fortune in 10th house often find joy in their career. The Part of Fortune (POF) is the synthesis of a persons Ascendant, Sun, and Moon, so perhaps it should not be so surprising. Ascendant conjunct Mars conjunct Sirius: On the Ascendant and with Mars combined, Sirius can be quite dangerous, pushing ahead with too much ambition is then seen, resulting in dangers by injuries or attempts on the natives life. The first condition is if a Lot is natally angular it is strong, if it is succeedent it can eventually bring rewards but is not nearly as strong as being angular; if it is cadent it may have too little strength to produce any major beneficial events, except in very rare circumstances. As a general rule you can consider the LoF as a kind of lunar connection, not like the Moon but like a kind of possible good we click point. Because your LoF is in the 6th it will have something to say about your health through the significations of Mars. I really don't care alot about money, i would rather have respect and recognition for my selfish desires at least while bringing something of value to the world. The Part of Fortune can be treated as a mixture between your emotions, identity, conscious self and vitality. I went to the website. conj Mercury? With your 9 SAG 47 Fortuna ascendant you can begin to mark off equal houses at 9 SAG 47 in each sign. Finally, there are sub-lords of the Fortuna system which are divisions of the times allotted to the general time lords, these show the unfoldment of what is going on during the general time lord periods. WebMercury Conjunct Midheaven Transit. The Part of Fortune (POF) is the synthesis of a persons Ascendant, Sun, and Moon, so perhaps it should not be so surprising. This is usually shown by a strong water element and the appropriate natal positioning. This will help you start to understand how it works in your own chart and help others to understand how it can be read in their own charts. This angle represents you main ambition in life. In your chart Venus is very dignified but she is out of sect and in the cadent 12th house suggesting a bit of a struggle in the first half of your life. Hello, I haven't seen much interpretation between these two conjunctions/connections. This is amplified for you if the part of fortune is in your 12th house or if it is conjunct, sextile, or trine your Jupiter or placements. Because you are in your Mars general period it is likely you will change home and job during this period. Saturn is the ruling planet of your LoF and he is in your 4th house and retrograde. A foreign wind is not necessarily bad for it just shows that one will visit many unknown destinations (unpredictable). The Midheaven is one of the most significant points in your natal chart. Firstly, your LoF ruler is the malefic Saturn and the first condition is his fitness or ability within your cosmic fingerprint. Youre welcome. Good sense of humour (strong Jupiter connected to both lights). I personally favour the former giving 27 years to Capricorn and 30 to Aquarius. Part of Fortune is calculated by starting with the degree of the ascendant, minus the degree of the sun, plus the degree of the moon. You need to be aware of your motives and make them very clear or others will misunderstand your intentions and think you are trying to control them, even when you are not. I would love to see the proof of this because there just cannot be any. Although I have not looked closely at your rx combust Mercury it would suggest that more often than not you know the answers to some things without knowing how or why (evolved). this post hasn't been active for a while- but i was wondering about part of fortune aspects in synastry. Are Jupiter, Mars and Saturn all in the same sign? An emphasized tenth house can also indicate living in the public eye and an important role in society. Saturn in your chart has a cooperating wind, this means that the energy behind Saturn is blowing you in a favourable direction, maybe not at light speed but he is getting to his destination in a slow but steady way. These are common synastry aspects for soulmates in astrology. This is amplified for you if the part of fortune is in your 3rd or 6th house or if it is conjunct, sextile, or trine your Mercury placement. It represents well-being on every plane of existence, physical, emotional, spiritual, mental. This Arabic part is connected with good fortune, luck, health, abundance, worldly success. The emotional level becomes the key to the material world, since it helps you take care of and nurture your ideas and first steps, which will then help you to complete them and reflect your personal mastery. This 30 degrees is added to the ascendant of 10 degrees Aries + 30 degrees = 10 degrees Taurus. He is post ascending (succeedent) which means it has the potential to bring the fruits of your actions back to you, though it may not be immediate and may take a lot of work. Part of Fortune is calculated by starting with the degree of the ascendant, minus the degree of the sun, plus the degree of the moon. This angle represents you main ambition in life. As you have Aquarius on the ascendant, any planet or Lot/Part in Pisces is in the second house. btw - in the link you mention, you forgot the "n" in projecthindsight.com. Is your LoF in your first house, second house, third house and so on? The Midheaven is one of the most significant points in your natal chart. This house governs goals, ambition, authority figures, your employer and also you as a boss. You are outgoing, optimistic and have great enthusiasm for life. And would love to know what you guys think about it. I am interested as my Sun and PoF are closely conjunct (1 degree) in the 7th house, Sag. You may find this manner hard to comprehend because of your three personal planets in water signs, but it is the path of your fortune connected to houses 1, 5 & 9 (air houses in your chart) to learn to understand life through the mind. If either of you want to post or pm me your natal data I could be a little more specific. Mentors or role models can be also helpful. There are other conditions which determine whether the action initiated is good or bad for the native, or whether the malefics have been changed to benefics, or whether the planet has any joy by natal house. So in regard to your LoS the time lord changes when you are 28, this is very likely to coincide with some event in your life, this is especially so because this change-over happens during your first Saturn return. The other reason is that the main emphasis in modern astrology is on our big three (sun, moon, and rising signs). It shows where you can attune to your environment in a way that brings success, but this depends on how you use the energies of your Sun, Moon and Ascendant. It is the close aspect to the Sun that interests me most. Read on to learn how to find your part of fortune and what it means. The POF is a point that indicates good fortune. It is also very closely (20 minutes) Jupiter and more loosely (3 degrees) squaring Mars. It is often associated with your career and professional goals, but there is much more to it. Nadir conjunct Antares: A splendid and illustrious life; glorious, mighty and commanding nature; fame, busy with many activities, bountiful resources, well known or feared in cities and regions. If you have your natal Part of Fortune in 10th house, this article is for you. WebReturn Midheaven conjunct Natal Venus (Strength: 6.30 ) With the Return Midheaven conjunct your Natal Venus, others are likely to view you in terms of your outward appearance and your material possessions. This point is connected with happiness, joy, flow, abundance, worldly success, health. Its your personality when your sun, moon, and rising are in harmony, if that makes sense. I am assuming your LoF was arrived at by the diurnal/nocturnal method as mentioned above. With half the solar system in Pisces (plus Pisces ruler Jupiter) you are quite spiritually evolved, and like I said, you are nobody's fool (well maybe your own, lol). Some of the most important factors with the LoF are the type of sign it is in, the closeness of it to an angle using whole sign houses, and the condition of its lord (ruling planet). You can find the most joy if you focus on contribution and making your community a better place with your talents and abilities. specifically one's north node conjunct one's part of fortune? WebReturn Midheaven conjunct Natal Venus (Strength: 6.30 ) With the Return Midheaven conjunct your Natal Venus, others are likely to view you in terms of your outward appearance and your material possessions. There are others but these are the main ones to start with. This aspect increases your popularity and brings many social contacts into your life. WebJupiter transits conjunct Part of Fortune!This fortunate transit occurs once in the twelve-year cycle of Jupiter and should bring a period of good luck, financial gain, personal contentment, and a harmonious social life. Because your LoF is in the 12th the LoS acts as opportunity bringer. It really is an integral astrology placement because it is calculated using the biggest three signs in your chart. You say your LoF ascendant is conjunct your Sun, and in a general sense the Sun represents fame, honour and rank as well as children and a family. Everything in your life needs to bring concrete results. It is preferable to have ones LoF angular, in the sign of a benefic and aspected by its lord from a favourable position. Before I can say anything I need to be sure the method you used to create your LoF is compatible with my remarks about it. Because Saturn is your current lord of fortune his movement through the fixed signs will highlight his activity and relationship to your chart. Second, determine the ruling planet of the sign of the Part of Fortune, and You may find yourself with a heightened psychic ability that when you tap into it brings in great work and success. I thought since i was an AM baby i use the day formula and it made it at 2 Pisces. These people sometimes benefit from being in the public eye or taking up a responsible position in their community. Nadir conjunct Antares: A splendid and illustrious life; glorious, mighty and commanding nature; fame, busy with many activities, bountiful resources, well known or feared in cities and regions. Strictly speaking aspects per se are/were not used in delineating ones LoF, the most important factors are angular, succeedent or cadency. Because of this problem I only use what I consider to be the original methods as laid down by the Greeks. WebMercury Conjunct Midheaven Transit. Suffice to say in your chart Saturn does not make a phasis in the allotted time. If you do, you will find how a chart integrates using this ancient system and learn a great deal about how the planets interact with one another generally. If something isnt working, find the courage to change and start over again, and you will see more success with each new chapter. Here is another area where there is some controversy; Saturns great period is 57 years of which 27 years are given to Capricorn and 30 years to Aquarius. And it's stuck with the two malefics, Mars and Saturn as well so I guess that fortune will not be so great. The Part of Fortune in 10th house can also indicate good fortune coming to you through one of your parents. Alternatively, some other event may come up just when Saturn was about to give you his rewards, a bit like having the rug pulled from under your feet. From the age of twelve Saturn has taken over as chronocrator for the distribution of fortune for 57 years although in its general periods you have a Capricorn Saturn first and an Aquarius Saturn after. Some astrologers would suggest that the years should be reversed, or Capricorn and Aquarius should receive the same time period by dividing the major period in two giving 28.5 years to each. It will also give you the respect you need in order to reach self-fulfillment. So the 10th Fortuna House cusp is at around 10 degree Virgo, so all planets in Virgo are in the 10th house. In a nighttime chart, the Part of Fortune equation is: the degree of your Ascendant + Sun - Moon. Sorry to use ur thread, but there really is a lack of info on the PoF. Once you have set up your Fortuna chart, the next step is to see where it fits into your natal chart. Your greatest happiness comes from feeling that you are capable of taking responsibility, carrying out social obligations, and possessing a force to create trust and respect from others, in order to help those who are still searching. Mine is in H12 in Pisces. In traditional astrology, the part of fortune is calculated by the intersecting lines of our top three placements in the birth chart: the sun, moon, and rising sign. [2] Midheaven conjunct Sirius: High office under Government giving great profit and reputation. First a note about what you think is your LoF based upon the calculations at astro.com. It represents well-being on every plane of existence, physical, emotional, spiritual, mental. There are four angles in astrology: the ascendant, the descendant, the IC and the Midheaven. Trying to define ones future by relying upon secondary progressions, solar arcs and transits is a somewhat crude modern invention when compared to the finer astrological techniques. Hopefully this will give some pointers on how to examine the LoF. Your LoF is in Jupiters sign, and Jupiter has a cycle of twelve years. Had she been in your 1st or 10th house you would have probably had a very charmed life. You may start your own family at a young age, or this success could come from your family of origin. In brief, this equals having a common future together. What I can do is give you one or two significations and an appropriate method for you to do it yourself, I do not like to tell fortunes because I believe it is possible to adapt or change the way we react to a certain situations which means we are continuously remoulding our changeable moira (fate). Becoming mature on an emotional level will help you to recognize if the goal you have chosen really fits within your true individual nature. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. The Part of Fortune can also be used as a career indicator in the natal chart. Its your personality when your sun, moon, and rising are in harmony, if that makes sense. The reason this is important is because secondary progressions were exactly that (secondary); meaning they came second to various directions. Your LoS being in the 2nd (natal) house is not the best place for it though it can eventually be profitable for you. After Mercurys period comes a period of 25 years handled by the Moon. However, because of her dignity she is able to rise above it and bring some fortune to your 4th and 5th house activities. The rest is nonsense because they are referring to the LoF and trying to connect it with things it has no signification over. If this article has wet your appetite for further investigation into these detailed times I would suggest visiting projecthidsight.com. Because phasis has many considerations I cannot go into them here. So by understanding these, we already know the essence of what our part of fortune placement means. And would love to know what you guys think about it. Sorry about that, it is time for me to service the laptop because it keeps doing it lately. specifically one's north node conjunct one's part of fortune? Through the fourth house, you are aware of the needs of others. When another persons planets or points conjunct or oppose your POF, they will likely help you increase your wealth and happiness, and achieve your goals. If you check back into your chart you should see between the ages of 1-12 where Jupiters ingress/direction/transit/station through the cadent signs has links to events in your life during his time lord period. Venus and the Moon in opposition to your LoF mean they are angular (7th LoF house) in relation to your LoF which for these two planets can be quite good for you. And would love to know what you guys think about it. Your friends are probably selected by what they can do for you or because they benefit you personally in some way. Because a complete delineation is necessary to accurately predict what non changeable fates are waiting for you, where and when, I can only show you how to integrate it within the context of your natal chart; it will be up to you to do the work. This is amplified for you if the part of fortune is in your 2nd or 7th house or if it is conjunct, sextile, or trine your Venus placement. In a diurnal chart the LoF is measured in longitude from the Sun to the Moon, the longitude degrees between them are added to the ascendant. Read on to learn how to find your part of fortune and what it means. This first consideration is the planets relationship to the LoF houses. I've been told that I don't get much benefit from it because most of my aspects are oppositions. I do not want to confuse anyone but generally speaking the Lot of Fortune in a diurnal chart becomes the Lot of Spirit in a nocturnal chart, and vice-versa. This does not mean that the LoF is ignored completely, just that the Lot of Spirit is usually the more fortunate of the two and is placed in a stronger (more prosperous) place. Is that correct? This placement suggests that you have high ambition and you want to become excellent at what you do. He is notorious for the stress he signifies, and this is partly why this investigation sounds a little harsh. I will give a brief account of what it represents and how it works, but first a note. For instance, if you havePart of Fortunein Virgo, you would look at where Mercury is in your chart for more information on improving your situation. Your LoS is in your 2nd house in Pisces; this suggests that when directions and transits that are current time lords are occupying the mutable signs (your natal succeedent houses) these times will be generally favourable to you in that they will be providing opportunities which could be beneficial to you. This category only includes cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security features of the website. Midheaven). WebJupiter transits conjunct Part of Fortune!This fortunate transit occurs once in the twelve-year cycle of Jupiter and should bring a period of good luck, financial gain, personal contentment, and a harmonious social life. Planets and points conjunct it become more emphasized. There is one very good point about both of them in your chart, and that is they are both connected to your ascendant which means they can both bring about favourable conditions and opportunities in your life. WebThere are two ways to calculate the Part of Fortune using the longitude degrees of the Sun, Moon and Ascendant In a daytime chart ASC Sun + Moon = Part of Fortune In a nighttime chart ASC + Sun Moon = Part of Fortune Part of Fortune Calculation Examples Example: Ascendant at 10 Gemini, Moon at 20 Virgo, and Sun at 15 Aquarius. WebSince your Part of Fortune is in the tenth house of your birth chart, the fourth house is the opposite house. Jupiter in the 10th Fortuna house is generally very favourable with regards to fortune, depending upon its condition and rulership it could have the capability to bring much happiness, good health any many favourable opportunities your way. The second of these three conditions is lunar application which has to do with how long the effects of a particular action may last; applying would be long lasting, separating would mean moderately lasting or separated meaning of even shorter duration. Part of Fortune conjunct Midheaven? This angle represents you main ambition in life. The Fortuna house system should be used with whole sign houses. However, you must stay open to the needs of others and their emotions, without letting yourself be carried away by them.
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